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Closer than ever: A guide for social change organisations who want to work online

by Association for Progressive Communications

Published | 2024

Countering digital risks


This guide provides practical advice for social change organisations on how to effectively work online, addressing the challenges and opportunities of navigating digital spaces in a collaborative and inclusive manner.

Why read

This guide is helpful to strengthen their capacity for working online, enhance their collaboration strategies, safeguard inclusivity, and better adapt to the increasing reliance on digital tools in their advocacy work.


“Closer than Ever: A Guide for Social Change Organisations Who Want to Work Online” is a comprehensive resource tailored for organisations aiming to harness digital tools effectively to create social impact.

The guide explores practical approaches to online collaboration, inclusivity, and organisational resilience, offering tools and strategies to overcome the digital divide and foster meaningful connections. It delves into the implications of the online shift for social change work, with insights into building trust, navigating digital security concerns, and maintaining a people-centred approach. By combining theoretical insights with actionable advice, this guide equips civic space actors with the knowledge and skills to thrive in online environments.


Guide (interactive website)

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