This ALIGN report draws out the links between the rise of gender-restrictive movements and gender-based violence (GBV) against LGBTQI+ people, and highlights activist strategies of resistance. While scholarship has drawn attention to gender-restrictive movements’ attempts to curtail human rights and restrict freedoms for gender and sexual minorities, there has been limited exploration of whether their activities result in violence. There are suggestions and examples in academic literature and news reports that violence against LGBTQI+ people is increasing in many countries, in a climate of fear and repression, but analysis has not yet established a link between gender-restrictive movements and increased GBV. The report
contributes some evidence towards this suggestion, by bringing together literature on gender-restrictive movements with that on violence against LGBTQI+ people, and complementing this with empirical data from interviews with 14 LGBTQI+ rights activists and policymakers from different world regions.