Phase 3: January 2024 – June 2025

Moving from scenarios to building concrete readiness

Phase 3 aims at operationalising future scenarios for civic and civil society operating space, translating them into strategies, and turning those strategies into concrete organisational practices. We focus on the following activities:

  1. Developing a toolkit on how future scenarios can be turned into strategies and practices tailored for (I)CSOs. The toolkit is a step-by-step guide to run different futures crafting activities in (I)CSOs.
  2. Accompanying a few selected organisations (ICSOs and local CSOs) in engaging on and applying the toolkit elements in their organisations. This includes bringing future scenarios elements into organisational strategies as well as testing ways of acting on those strategies in actual practice.
  3. Collecting lessons learned (in a form of case studies, testimonials or similar) while accompanying (I)CSOs which will be used to refine the toolkit on the one hand and inspire other organisations to undergo a similar journey on the other hand. We will document these learnings and share them in the wider civil society sector.

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