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Data & Privacy Policy SANE’s Data & Privacy Policy: General information on data processing This website is produced by the International Civil Society Centre gGmbH (“the Centre”) and is served…
December 2023
October 2022
Phase 3: January 2024 – June 2025 Moving from scenarios to building concrete readiness Phase 3 aims at operationalising future scenarios for civic and civil society operating space, translating them…
December 2023
March 2018
March 2021
December 2021
February 2023
October 2020
Phase 1: June – December 2022 Preparing the ground and kicking off the initiative To prepare the ground, a landscape mapping was conducted to better understand crises and trends impacting…
Phase 2: January – December 2023 Developing and engaging on future scenarios A collaborative scenario writing exercise “A history of civic space, 2024-2034” was conducted in the first half of…
July 2020
July 2024
October 2024
January 2024
The International Academy of Science (IAS) is a global membership organisation of researchers, scholars and intellectuals. The International Academy of Science (IAS) as central body of the International Council for Scientific Development (ICSD) is an independent organisation of distinguished academicians engaged in scientific research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and humanity for global sustainability and universal humanity.
FRADESS est une ONG de droits civils visant à la protection des droits de la femme et de l enfant. Œuvrant au Burkina Faso depuis plus vd'une vingtaine d'années, FRADESS de part ses multiples actions a mené à bien et à termes de nombreux projets, à contribué à la mise en place de plusieurs campagnes de sensibilisation pour la santé et les droits des femmes et des enfants sur tout le territoire burkinabè. FRADESS c est aussi une série de collaboration et de partenariat avec des GIESS....
Welcome to the Solidarity Action Network (SANE) SANE aims to strengthen resilience of and solidarity among civil society actors when faced with civic space restrictions or changing operating conditions. SANE…
Levels and modes of solidarity The Solidarity Playbook has highlighted two dimensions of solidarity to consider to establish a common cause. The first dimension is identifying the levels of solidarity,…
Coalition response
After election fraud in Malawi, HRDC stepped in to unite activists and citizens, mobilising calls for greater accountability, and using litigation strategies to protect the freedom of assembly.
ICSO mechanism
Hivos supported art and culture programs which questioned dominant power structures in society, created alternative narratives, and imagined new realities.
October 2019
Coalition response
Articulación brought the feminist agenda into the public debate, strengthened digital activism, protected activists, and deepened collaborations among civil society actors.
December 2021
ICSO mechanism
VSO Ethiopia played a key role in providing leadership and strategic guidance, and mobilising and amplifying collaborative actions for an enabling environment in Ethiopia.
Coalition response
The UnidOSC is a coalition that has provided an identity for the collective effort to defend and champion civic space in Mexico and in the region.
ICSO mechanism
ActionAid invested time and resources as a federation to research closing civic space, and developed ways to build resilience and resist external threats.
Resource hub The hub collects resources on selected civic space topics. It consists of strategies, tools and guidelines to respond to threats and clampdowns faced by (I)CSOs as well as…
Contact us Name* First Last Organisation Job Title Email* Your message* Consent* I agree to the privacy policy. CAPTCHA Email This field is for validation purposes and should be left…
News & Materials No results About our work Find out more about SANE Find out more Resource hub Find resources on selected civic space topics Find out more Contact us…
Solidarity Playbook key findings Discover emerging lessons on resilience and solidarity mechanisms to civic space restrictions, key challenges and recommendations from the Solidarity Playbook. What are the main learnings? Civil…
Case studies No results About Find out more Key activities Find out more Resource hub Find out more…
Add a resource or expert Through the form, you can add a resource or expert yourself. We are looking for hands-on resources, toolkits and materials that can help solving civic…
Coalition response
This case study focuses on Vuka’s Country Coordination Calls to draw out learning on how ICSOs can support country-level responses to closing space.
Coalition response
Spaces for Change initiated a learning-and-sharing hub on closing civic space which led into a coalition to co-create a unified sector position and voice to defend civic space against security-induced restrictions.
Coalition response
Bond engaged in coalition activities on civic space issues, carrying out convening and coordination with its members, campaigning for CSO voice and doing advocacy work.
ICSO mechanism
Greenpeace took a proactive response in relation to the threat and damage of Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) in the US and beyond.
Coalition response
Members of Civilisation share knowledge and skills to strengthen the civil society sector, and take actions against shrinking civic space in Hungary.
ICSO mechanism
IRW adopted a proactive approach and invested in developing a new strategy to manage reputational risks which helped them to move beyond reactive fire-fighting.
ICSO mechanism
Helvetas developed guidance for its country offices and local partners on how to advocate through the UN human rights system when national governments restrict civil society.
Coalition response
The #KeepItOn campaign and coalition, hosted by Access Now, unites and organises efforts to end internet shutdowns worldwide.
ICSO mechanism
Plan International initiated a pilot project to direct-fund and mentor youth-led organisations in Latin America with core and flexible funding to enable them to adapt to risks as they arose.
Coalition response
Members of the It Works coalition reinvented their communications in order to improve public perceptions of civil society, and show the role and added value of the third sector in Poland.
Coalition response
ICLMG developed strategies to advocate for greater accountability and transparency in Canada, and to resist the overreach of national security.
ICSO mechanism
TI Cambodia has adapted its approach to survive and operate in a severely restricted environment and balances advocacy with service delivery.
December 2022
The Union for International Cancer Control faced a social media phishing attack, which resulted in the hijacking of the World Cancer Day Instagram account. Although the team had received phishing emails in the past, the sophisticated nature of this attack made it difficult to recognise as a phishing attack.
Resource submitted Thank you for submitting your resource. The team will review it and you will be notified via email in due course. The hub hosts a collection of civic…
Terms and Conditions Terms and Conditions: General information on data processing This website is produced and served by the International Civil Society Centre gGmbH (“the Centre”). This Privacy Policy explains…
Key activities SANE has many activities that have been developed throughout the years. This area presents the network’s main and public-facing activities to make relevant materials we produce and lessons…
Sharing resilience & solidarity mechanisms We collected case studies and best practices in the so-called Solidarity Playbook to help (international) civil society organisations – (I)CSOs – respond to undue scrutiny…
Strengthening cybersecurity With increased digitalisation, (international) civil society organisations – (I)CSOs – have faced an increase in digital threats and cyberattacks carried out by malicious actors interested in financial gains…
Anticipating futures for civil society operating space A three-year initiative (2022 – 2025) focuses on strengthening anticipatory capacities and future readiness of civil society professionals who are working to defend…
Key findings Digital infrastructure is core to the work of every civil society organisation – from staff email and internal communication platforms to storing and sharing documents, to the data…
The global non-profit organisation was attacked by a hacker group to extort a ransom. The team mobilised internal experts and additional help through the organisation’s cyber insurance provider to negotiate with the attackers, counter the threat, and restore the organisation’s data.
Transparency International experienced a sustained and sophisticated phishing attack, which was detected through a sharp increase in failed attempts to log in to organisational email accounts. Over a six-week period, the IT team at the Secretariat responded to this persistent effort to breach the organisation’s systems.
The organisation working in the humanitarian sector was targeted by a brute-force attack through their webmail, followed by targeted phishing emails. With support from an external cybersecurity company and in cooperation with the organisation’s management and staff, the IT team managed to avert this intense attack.
Resource hub The hub hosts a collection of civic space resources and experts contacts. It consists of strategies, tools and guidelines to respond to threats and clampdowns faced by international…
Strengthening cybersecurity With increased digitalisation, (international) civil society organisations – (I)CSOs – have faced an increase in digital threats and cyberattacks carried out by malicious actors interested in financial gains…
Add resource Fill out this form to provide information about the selected resource and upload the resource file. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Adding a short summary and…
Add Expert Fill out this form to provide information about the selected expert organisation or programme. Fields marked with an asterisk are required. Adding a short summary and a more…
Experts The expert organisations and programmes are there to provide hands-on support to civil society actors and organisations on civic space related issues. The expert organisations give advice on a…
Expert submitted Thank you for submitting a new organisation or contact. You will be informed as soon as it will be checked and a decision will be made. The hub…
May 2023
Regular digest Add a resource or expert Resources Experts Regular digest Back to Resource hub…
May 2019
January 2019
January 2021
March 2016
October 2021
September 2021
December 2020