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10 Ways to Transform Gender Norms


Published | 2023

Addressing anti-rights groups

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The "10 Ways to Transform Gender Norms" booklet outlines five critical areas for investment and five organising spaces to counter patriarchal backlash and promote gender equality.

Why read

This booklet is helpful to understand strategic investments and organisational approaches essential for challenging discriminatory gender norms and fostering inclusive societies.


This booklet emphasises the importance of investing in gender-equitable education, sexual and reproductive rights, women’s economic rights and financial independence, women’s political empowerment, and the elimination of all forms of gender-based violence. It also highlights the need to organise funding for feminist and intersectional social justice movements, ensure digital platforms are safe and inclusive, expand pro-feminist men’s movements, resist ‘norm spoiling’ in international agreements, and expose and disrupt patriarchal norms driving backlash against feminism. By focusing on these areas, the booklet provides a comprehensive framework for transformative change towards gender equality.


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