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A framework for developing gender-responsive cybersecurity policy: Assessment tool

by Association for Progressive Communications

Published | June 2024

Countering digital risks

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This assessment tool seeks to provide step-by-step advice and concrete recommendations for those wishing to develop a gender approach to cybersecurity policy.

Why read

This framework is useful for policy makers and civil society actors, among others, who wish to build resilient, meaningful and relevant cybersecurity policy frameworks in their countries.


Building on APC’s previous work on a human rights approach to cybersecurity, online gender-based violence, and cybersecurity and gender, ranging from research to advocacy, this document is part of a framework they have designed to support policy makers and civil society organisations in developing gender-responsive cybersecurity policies.

A gender approach to cybersecurity is not a measure added to a policy that has already been designed; it is about a systemic change in the approach to cybersecurity. It encourages the creation and use of more nuanced gender and intersectional disaggregated data for more
meaningful, impactful and informed policy decision making.

This framework also includes two other documents. It is recommended that those using this assessment tool consult them before putting the principles and processes outlined here into practice:
• A literature review that explores how cybersecurity as a gendered space has been
addressed in research.
• A document identifying norms, standards and guidelines that cybersecurity policy
makers and advocates can draw on when seeking to promote a gender approach
within national or multilateral cybersecurity discussions.


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