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Early warning mechanisms: Tools and template

by Oxfam Policy & Practice

Published | September 2021

Developing risk management strategies


"Early warning mechanisms" discusses the topics early warning, information sharing, material support, protection analysis and risk analysis.

Why read

The report created an early warning mechanism to communicate new information that could prevent risks.


This paper presents different templates and tools to improve risk management of CSOs and humanitarian organisation that work in the field of communities. It contributes to community self-protection capacities and explains effective community protection structures.

Communities are most often the first responders to their own protection needs. They are also the experts on their own situations. Community members are often aware of protection incidents and related information in their area. Therefore, they can be valuable sources of information and provide warnings to their own communities and other communities around them, as well as for supporting humanitarian organisations. Early warning of a protection risk allows community members to take actions to protect themselves and their property and implement contingency plans.



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