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Foresight Playbook

by UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP)

Published | July 2022

Navigating civic space futures


The Foresight Playbook delves into various ways to integrate foresight approaches, methodologies, and tools to enhance anticipatory capacities and enable better responses to future risks, uncertainties, and opportunities. The playbook contains many toolkits, including on creating alternative futures, transforming the future, and future-proofing strategies

Why read

The Playbook can be used by UNDP entitites as a practical guide to create an anticipatory office that is fit for the future, and to support governments and other development partners to do the same.


The UNDP RBAP Foresight Playbook explores entry points to incorporate foresight approaches, methodologies, and tools into UNDP’s work with the aim of building anticipatory capacities to better respond to risk, uncertainty, and opportunities in the future.

This Playbook builds on the insights that have emerged from UNDP’s application of foresight in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, and on the growing body of experiences globally, in order to shape institutional anticipatory decision-making processes to be fit for 21st century development challenges. It seeks to provide the template and the knowledge/information base on which the capabilities that can and would make UNDP more anticipatory are built. Building on previous foresight guidance, such as the UNDP 2018 Foresight Manual, this Playbook further explores the practical entry points and most relevant tools by which UNDP stakeholders can embed anticipation into existing internal planning and design processes.


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