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Resisting six weeks of sustained phishing attacks

Transparency International experienced a sustained and sophisticated phishing attack, which was detected through a sharp increase in failed attempts to log in to organisational email accounts. Over a six-week period, the IT team at the Secretariat responded to this persistent effort to breach the organisation’s systems.

Deflecting a sophisticated brute-force and phishing attack

The organisation working in the humanitarian sector was targeted by a brute-force attack through their webmail, followed by targeted phishing emails. With support from an external cybersecurity company and in cooperation with the organisation’s management and staff, the IT team managed to avert this intense attack.

Strengthening cybersecurity key findings

and the challenges of anticipating an attack. After facing a cyberattack, all organisations took action to improve their cybersecurity. Our overall advice for (I)CSOs is to take action now rather…

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Regaining access to a social media account

The Union for International Cancer Control faced a social media phishing attack, which resulted in the hijacking of the World Cancer Day Instagram account. Although the team had received phishing emails in the past, the sophisticated nature of this attack made it difficult to recognise as a phishing attack.

7 October 2021

Solidarity and freedom of expression – How can we protect and harness online spaces?


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Resource hub

…expert organisations and programmes that can help with a swift and suitable response. Add a resource or expert Resources Experts Regular digest Search in all topics Topics Addressing anti-rights groups…

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31 May 2021

What does ‘solidarity’ around civic space mean in the light of the Indian response to COVID-19?

13 February 2024

Anticipate, Adapt, Act: Shaping a resilient future for civil society


Retrieving access to a hacked IT server

The global non-profit organisation was attacked by a hacker group to extort a ransom. The team mobilised internal experts and additional help through the organisation’s cyber insurance provider to negotiate with the attackers, counter the threat, and restore the organisation’s data.

ICSO mechanism

Hivos: In solidarity with content creators: The role of art in the resistance against shrinking civic space

Hivos supported art and culture programs which questioned dominant power structures in society, created alternative narratives, and imagined new realities.

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Sharing lessons blog image
26 May 2020

Sharing lessons, in solidarity, more crucial than ever as COVID-19 makes acute situations for ICSOs worse

9 May 2022

Navigating cybersecurity: Guidance for (I)CSO professionals


March 2022

Communicating protest: How to frame persuasive messages

by European Center for Not-for-Profit Law


ICSO mechanism

Transparency International Cambodia: Balancing advocacy and service delivery when the space for civil society is restricted

TI Cambodia has adapted its approach to survive and operate in a severely restricted environment and balances advocacy with service delivery.

June 2019

Disinformation Toolkit

by InterAction; Sarah Oh; Travis L. Adkins

23 January 2024

Envisioning Tomorrow: Reflections from the International Civic Forum 2023


Coalition response

UnidOSC: How research, advocacy and capacity-building have been used to defend the space for civil society in Mexico

The UnidOSC is a coalition that has provided an identity for the collective effort to defend and champion civic space in Mexico and in the region.

27 June 2024

Toolkit for tomorrow: Anticipating civil society futures 


ICSO mechanism

ActionAid and ActionAid Uganda: How to scenario-plan for attacks and the narrowing of civic space

ActionAid invested time and resources as a federation to research closing civic space, and developed ways to build resilience and resist external threats.

August 2017

Messaging This Moment: A Handbook for progressive communicators

by Center for Community Change


Coalition response

Spaces for Change: From informal networks and collaboration to the Action Group for Free Civic Space in Nigeria

Spaces for Change initiated a learning-and-sharing hub on closing civic space which led into a coalition to co-create a unified sector position and voice to defend civic space against security-induced restrictions.

Spaces for Change PDF cover image

September 2021

Early warning mechanisms: Tools and template

by Oxfam Policy & Practice


Coalition response

Human Rights Defenders Coalition: Tackling corruption to defend civic space in Malawi

After election fraud in Malawi, HRDC stepped in to unite activists and citizens, mobilising calls for greater accountability, and using litigation strategies to protect the freedom of assembly.


Election Watch for the Digital Age

by Freedom House



Civic Freedom Monitor

by The International Centre for Not-for-Profit Law



Dealing with the anti-rights movement: Opposition in international spaces

by Rutgers


October 2021

The Media Manipulation Casebook: How Civil Society Can Combat Misinformation and Hate Speech Without Making It Worse

by Technology and Social Change project; Dr. Joan Donovan


ICSO mechanism

Plan International: Strengthening the resilience of youth-led organisations in Latin America through direct funding and mentorship

Plan International initiated a pilot project to direct-fund and mentor youth-led organisations in Latin America with core and flexible funding to enable them to adapt to risks as they arose.

Coalition response

Articulación Feminista de Nicaragua: The role of women’s movements in building solidarity against closing civic space in Nicaragua

Articulación brought the feminist agenda into the public debate, strengthened digital activism, protected activists, and deepened collaborations among civil society actors.

October 2020

Community Engagement Toolbox

by the 6 Regional Communication and Coordination Platforms, as part of the Global Fund’s Community, Right and Gender Strategic Initiative

4 April 2022

Scoping Study on Operating Conditions of Civil Society in the Occupied Palestinian Territory


Coalition response

Civic Organisations. It Works: A coalition to boost the profile and presence of civil society organisations in Poland

Members of the It Works coalition reinvented their communications in order to improve public perceptions of civil society, and show the role and added value of the third sector in Poland.

ICSO mechanism

VSO Ethiopia: Advocating for policy reform in Ethiopia

VSO Ethiopia played a key role in providing leadership and strategic guidance, and mobilising and amplifying collaborative actions for an enabling environment in Ethiopia.

November 2019

Narratives x Civic Space Convening: Learning – Connecting – Strategizing

by Oxfam; Ford Foundation


May 2019

Closing Civic and Political Spaces: Exploring opportunities for CSOs in the MENA region to advocate for claiming spaces

by Innovation for Change – The Middle East and North Africa


August 2020

Developing a Civil Society Response to Online Manipulation

by Institute for Strategic Dialogue; Carl Miller; Chloe Colliver



Global Nonprofits Guide

by DLA Piper, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law and PILnet


News & Materials

News & Materials No results About our work Find out more about SANE Find out more Resource hub Find resources on selected civic space topics Find out more Contact us…

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December 2020

Digital First Aid Toolkit

by Rapid Response Network; CiviCERT


Strengthening cybersecurity old

…phishing attack that targeted employees’ email accounts over six weeks; a brute-force attack that featured a high volume of attempted logins; and a ransomware attack in which attackers exploited a…

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Strengthening cybersecurity

…phishing attack that targeted employees’ email accounts over six weeks; a brute-force attack that featured a high volume of attempted logins; and a ransomware attack in which attackers exploited a…

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Global Participation Intensive

by Doing Things with Stories


January 2019

A Guide to Hope-based Communications

by Open Global Rights


November 2023

The Future of FATF Recommendation 8: A Foresight Piece

by Human Security Collective


January 2024

The Strategic Foresight Book

by IFRC Solferino Academy


September 2021

Countering Disinformation




A research initiative to track the civic space situation around the world

More information

January 2017

Framing Equality Toolkit

by ILGA-Europe; PIRC


December 2023

How Can CSOs Best Interpret and Use the Latest Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Changes for Their Advocacy?

by European Center for Not-for-Profit Law


Coalition response

#KeepItOn: Organising the global effort to end internet shutdowns

The #KeepItOn campaign and coalition, hosted by Access Now, unites and organises efforts to end internet shutdowns worldwide.

#keepiton PDF case study cover icon

July 2019

Managing Misinformation in a Humanitarian Context: Part III on how to guide

by Internews


December 2021

How to talk about civic space: A guide for progressive civil society facing smear campaigns

by Israel Butler


January 2022

Narrative Strategy: The Basics

by Liz Manne Strategy


January 2021

Mapping Civil Society Responses to Disinformation: An International Forum Working Paper

by National Endowment for Democracy; International Forum fpr Democratic Studies; Samantha Bradshaw; Lisa-Maria Neudert

29 September 2023

A history of civic space, 2024–2034: Outcomes of a ParEvo scenario writing collaboration


April 2022

Navigating cybersecurity: Guidance for (I)CSO professionals

by International Civil Society Centre; Cyber Peace Institute


HiveMind Community

offers a learning space for digital activists

More information

March 2018

At the Intersection of Security and Regulation: Understanding the Drivers of ‘De-Risking’ and the Impact on Civil Society Organizations

by Human Security Collective; ECNL


September 2021

Combating Information Manipulation: A Playbook for Elections and Beyond

by International Republican Institute; National Democratic Institute; Stanford Internet Observatory


May 2023

How to Message on The Rights of People From Marginalized Groups: A Communications Guide for Organisations Promoting Human Rights

by Civil Liberties Union for Europe / Israel Butler


September 2023

Risk Management Scorecard

by Interaction


Access Now

direct help to improve digital security practices and emergency assistance

More information

December 2021

Informing the Disinfo Debate: A Policy Guide For Protecting Human Rights

by Access Now; Civil Liberties Union for Europe, EDRi


February 2021

A Quick Guide on Security for Human Rights Defenders

by IBON International


January 2022

The Butterfly Lab Narrative Design Toolkit

by Race Forward


November 2020

Resiliency+ Framework: A Guide for Civil Society to Thrive in Uncertain Times

by Partners Global


Civil Liberties Union For Europe

offers training, guides and courses to CSOs in an array of topics around values-based framing, strategic communications, cybersecurity resilience, and more.

More information

September 2021

Security Auditing Framework and Evaluation Template for Advocacy Groups (SAFETAG)



July 2023

Global Study on the Impact of Counter-Terrorism on Civil Society & Civic Space

by United Nations Human Rights Special Procedures


CyberPeace Builders

A network of corporate volunteers providing free pre- and post-assistance on cybersecurity incidents.

More information

May 2022

Reanimating Civil Society: A lifeline guide for narrative change

by Lifeline Fund for Embattled CSOs


December 2022

How to message on human rights: A communications guide for organisations promoting human rights

by Civil Liberties Union for Europe / Israel Butler


Coalition response

International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group (ICLMG): Working in coalition to push back against national security overreach in Canada

ICLMG developed strategies to advocate for greater accountability and transparency in Canada, and to resist the overreach of national security.

January 2021

Rights at Risk – Time for Action

by The Observatory on the Universality of Rights; AWID


December 2020

CSO Meter – Assessing the civil society environment in Eastern Partnership Countries

by Simona Ognenovska, Luben Panov and Eszter Hartay; CSI; TIAC; Promo-LEX Association; UCIPR


June 2024

A framework for developing gender-responsive cybersecurity policy: Assessment tool

by Association for Progressive Communications

29 September 2023

Anticipating civic space futures: From landscape mapping to scenario building

15 November 2022

Anticipating Futures for Civil Society Operating Space


June 2020

Advocacy in Restricted Spaces: A Toolkit for Civil Society Organisations

by Lifeline Fund for Embattled CSOs


January 2015

‘Hate Speech’ Explained – A Toolkit

by Article 19



…specific topic and can be contacted when support or information are needed. The expert programmes offer a comprehensive guidance and further materials on a particular issue. Add a resource or…

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January 2021

RESIST 2: Counter-Disinformation Toolkit

by UK Government Communication Service; Dr. James Pamment


January 2020

Campaign Toolkit – Countering cyberhate against Roma

by Minority Rights Group Europe



Building civil society capacity to mitigate and counter disinformation

by Countering Disinfo


ICSO mechanism

Islamic Relief Worldwide: Building a Reputational Risk Management Strategy in the face of Islamophobia-motivated attacks

IRW adopted a proactive approach and invested in developing a new strategy to manage reputational risks which helped them to move beyond reactive fire-fighting.

ICSO mechanism

Greenpeace International: Developing resilience to SLAPP suits through joint action

Greenpeace took a proactive response in relation to the threat and damage of Strategic Lawsuits against Public Participation (SLAPPs) in the US and beyond.


ECNL Learning Center – Security and Counter-Terrorism

by European Center for Not-for-Profit Law


December 2021

Future Innovation Cards



October 2021

Disinformation Toolkit 2.0

by InterAction; Adam Fivenson



…lessons learned and best practices, explore different forms of solidarity (especially beyond public advocacy), and encourage joint actions. A Working Group – consisting of (I)CSO representatives – provides strategic guidance…

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ICSO mechanism

Helvetas: How to use selected human rights mechanisms for effective advocacy

Helvetas developed guidance for its country offices and local partners on how to advocate through the UN human rights system when national governments restrict civil society.

Helvetas case study front cover icon

July 2024

Hostile landscapes: how do gender-restrictive actors contribute to violence against LGBTQI+ people?



December 2022

Resilience to Disinformation

by Civic Resilience Initiative, Kościuszko Institute, Detector Media


Coalition response

Bond UK: An umbrella body’s response to closing civic space

Bond engaged in coalition activities on civic space issues, carrying out convening and coordination with its members, campaigning for CSO voice and doing advocacy work.

January 2023

Three horizons: A toolkit to help you think and plan for the long-term

by Future Generations - Commissioner for Wales


December 2014

Civil Society Organisational Capacity Tracking Tool

by Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund


June 2020

Stories of Change: Working with the Moveable Middle

by Social Change Initiative


Countering Backlash

provides knowledge on gender justice and methods to promote gender justice and equality

More information

March 2018

Counterterrorism Measures and Civil Society

by Center for Strategic and International Studies


October 2022

Resilience Against Disinformation: A New Baltic Way to Follow?

by International Centre for Defence and Security / Teperik, Dmitri; Denisa-Liepniece, Solvita; Bankauskaitė, Dalia; Kullamaa, Kaare


October 2020

Pt. 2: Narrative Power and Collective Action: Conversations with people working to change narratives for social good

by Oxfam Policy & Practice



Security in a box

by Frontline Defenders


December 2021

How Anti-Feminist and Anti-Gender Ideologies Contribute to Violent Extremism – And What We Can Do About It

by Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy


January 2019

Be the Narrative – How changing the narrative could revolutionize what it means to do human rights

by The Fund for Global Human Rights; JustLabs


June 2022

Cybersecurity Handbook for Civil Society Organizations

by National Democratic Institute



A project protecting civil society and independent media organisations in the Eurasian region from cybersecurity breaches and routine data loss.

More information

October 2021

Unintended Consequences of the FATF Standards

by Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF)


February 2023

Shielding Democracy: Civil Society Adaptations to Kremlin Disinformation about Ukraine

by International Forum for Democratic Studies / Adam Fivenson, Galyna Petrenko, Veronika Víchová, Andrej Poleščuk


July 2020

Pt. 1: Narrative Power and Collective Action: Conversations with people working to change narratives for social good

by Oxfam Policy & Practice


Better Coordination Tool

a central coordination platform for civil society responses to emerging civic space situations

More information

January 2022

The Framework for Information Incidents

by Full Fact


April 2024

Counterterrorism, Human Rights and Civic Space in Africa

by Spaces for Change


November 2019

Against the Wave: Civil Society Responses to Anti-Right Groups



Global Cyber Alliance

provides free and effective tools that individuals and organizations of any size can use right now to take action to reduce cyber risk

More information

October 2022

Misinformation and Disinformation – An international effort using behavioural science to tackle the spread of misinformation




remote support for Nonprofit organisation's urgent tech issues

More information

October 2021

How to Do Horizon Scanning: A Step-by-Step Guide

by Futures Platform


November 2023

Deepening the response to authoritarian information operations in Latin America

by National Endowment for Democracy


International Center for Not-for-Profit Law

works to improve the legal environment for civil society, philanthropy, and public participation around the world

More information

July 2023

Facing the backlash: what is fuelling anti-feminist and anti-democratic forces?



March 2017

Guide to Reporting Civic Space: Media Toolkit



June 2024

Toolkit for tomorrow: Anticipating civil society futures

by International Civil Society Centre



Narrative Change

by Social Change Initiative


December 2020

The Resilient Organization – A Guide to Nonprofit Disaster Preparedness

by TechSoup


Amnesty International Security Lab

supports civil society actors when targeted by spyware

More information

March 2021

Power over rights: Understanding and countering the transnational anti-gender movement

by Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy


August 2023

Reframing Migration Narratives Toolkit

by International Centre for Policy Advocacy


March 2017

Civil Society Support Mechanisms: A Directory



April 2021

The impacts of AML/CFT regulations on civic space and human rights

by Transparency International



Grasping Patriarchal Backlash: A Brief for Smarter Countermoves

by Countering Backlash: Reclaiming Gender Justice


Machine Learning for Peace

is committed to harnessing the power of machine learning and data analytics to enhance democracy promotion and crisis response efforts worldwide

More information

December 2023

Strategies to respond to a foreign agent law: The case of Georgia

by European Center for Not-for-Profit Law


Coalition response

Civilisation: Coalition-building to fight back against government attacks on civil society in Hungary

Members of Civilisation share knowledge and skills to strengthen the civil society sector, and take actions against shrinking civic space in Hungary.

March 2016

The Devil is in the Details – At the Nexus of Development, Women’s Rights, and Religious Fundamentalism



October 2018

Nonprofits Beware: You Can Get Hacked Too

by TechSoup


May 2021

Data Minimization Report

by Access Now



Take control of your own internet safety

by Digital Self-Defense Center


October 2019

Civic Space Monitoring Tool: Understanding what is happening in civic space at a local and national level

by Oxfam


Coalition response

Vuka!: Building an international coalition to coordinate and enable civil society’s response to closing space

This case study focuses on Vuka’s Country Coordination Calls to draw out learning on how ICSOs can support country-level responses to closing space.

October 2023

DDoS Attacks

by CyberPeace Institute


November 2017

Strategic Foresight Primer

by European Political Strategy Centre; Angela Wilkinson


July 2022

Foresight Playbook

by UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (RBAP)


March 2023

Supporting Civil Society in Acute Crises

by Global Public Policy Institute / Jakob Hensing, Melissa Li, Julia Friedrich, Philipp Rotmann


January 2019

The Future Is Ours: Strategic Foresight toolkit – making better decisions

by Save the Children


January 2024

Mapping Anti-Muslim Discrimination and Information Manipulation, and its Impact on Humanitarian Aid and Development

by Gerald T FitzGerald, George Mason University


April 2024

Feminist responses to ‘norm-spoiling’ at the United Nations



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